Embedded system programming, also known as embedded programming, is a type of programming that creates devices that don't use traditional operating systems Embedded systems are special-purpose computers built into devices that aren't usually considered computers. For example, computers in vehicles, medical devices, wearable fitness devices, and smartphones are embedded systems.
Having a background in electrical engineering can help you understand the physical components necessary for embedded systems.
☛ Internal architecture of ARM Cortex M3/M4 processor and programming
☛ Learn Mixed ‘C’ and Assembly Coding using inline assembly technique
☛ Demystifying Memory, Bus interfaces, NVIC, Exception handling with lots of animation
☛ Interrupts and configuration of ARM Cortex Mx based microcontroller
☛ Low level register Programming for interrupts, System Exceptions, Setting Priorities, Preemption,etc.
☛ Learn writing IRQ handlers , IRQ numbers, NVIC and mcu more
☛ Implementation of task scheduler using PENDSV and SYSTICK feature of the processor
☛ Implementation of context switching
☛ Learn and write linker script and mcu startup file from scratch
☛ Bare metal embedded build process
☛ Processor fault exceptions and fault handler implementation and fault analysis
☛ Stack and AAPCS standard
☛ learn inline assembly , naked functions and gcc variable and section attributes
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